Getting started with Digital Cookie is quick—and easy.
When you use Digital Cookie® to supercharge your cookie business, you can take Girl Scout Cookie orders, track purchases and deliveries, and connect directly with your most valuable customers.
Packed with fun, easy-to-use tools, Digital Cookie® delivers more ways to participate, more ways to sell, more ways to buy, and more ways to learn! Plus, studies show girls who use Digital Cookie® in combination with traditional sales often sell more cookies and reach their goals faster.
With your very own personalized cookie site, you'll watch videos, enjoy printable activities, take fun quizzes and more—all while taking your cookie sale to the next level.
Before you begin, please read the Girl Scout Digital Cookie Pledge and the Safety Activity Checkpoints for both Computer/Internet Use and Girl Scout Cookies and Product Programs.
4 Easy Steps to Get Started with Digital Cookie (PDF)